Friday, June 03, 2005


A Veteran GOPer's Take on Mark Felt...

...can be found here.

UPDATE: I should mention here something that didn't make it into the above Huffington post. In her very strange Opinion Journal piece, Peggy Noonan -- whose work I've much appreciated in the past -- falls into an interesting logical trap. On the one hand, she accuses Mark Felt of being complicit in the Cambodian genocide for collaborating in the downfall of a "serious president at a serious time." Yet, on the other hand, she heaps praise on Chuck Colson:
I'll give you a candidate for great man of the era: Chuck Colson. Colson functioned in the Nixon White House as a genuinely bad man, went to prison and emerged a genuinely good man. He told the truth about himself in "Born Again," a book not fully appreciated as the great Washington classic it is, and has devoted his life to helping prisoners and their families. He paid the price, told the truth, blamed no one but himself, and turned his shame into something helpful. Children aren't dead because of him. There are children who are alive because of him.
The obvious question here is would Chuck Colson have become transformed if all of the White House and presidential re-election misdeeds hadn't come to light? Would he have had enough "shame" to transform into something helpful? Using Noonan's own construct, would those other children be alive if the Watergate experience hadn't forced a metamorphosis in Chuck Colson?

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