Friday, August 26, 2005


More On Those Tense Days in July 2003...

The Los Angeles Times provides more color and context to the Washington side of this chronology.

UPDATE: After dropping over to Balloon Juice and linking back here to the July '03 timeline, I realized that I was a bit circumspect in what all this is supposed to mean. One of John Cole's readers wondered the same thing. So, for something close to an explanation: Here is what I said in Cole's comments section:

To the extent my timeline “means” anything, it is just noting that questions about pre-war intelligence were consuming the UK and US government VIPs in mid-July ‘03.The funny thing is that a certain NYT reporter seems to be the nexus—the common link to the UK government/media/legislative inquiry on pre-war intel and the current US government/media/grand jury/Plame scandal.

The dates July 8 and 16/17 stand out.

On the former, she meets with Lewis Libby. On the latter, she e-mails David Kelly in the UK telling him a “another member of your fan club” told her that Kelly’s did well in his testimony (which, by the way, helped undercut the credibility of the BBC’s Andrew Gilligan). Kelly writes back, talks of “dark actors,” wanders off and kills himself—an action that opens up a new inquiry—into the Blair government’s behavior in Kelly’s being ‘outed’ as the BBC source and subsequently forced to testify. (For good measure, Kelly’s body is found on the 18th: the same day John Bolton is interviewed by the State Department IG on, what else? Niger uranium.)

I don’t know what all this means, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Miller’s “Zelig”/”Forrest Gump” appearance in this trans-Atlantic intel-inquiry double-header has something to do with why Patrick Fitzgerald has her behind bars.

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