Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Can't Anybody Play This Game?

Were I a Democrat voter, I'd be furious right now. If the party's handling of the Samuel Alito nomination is indicative of how it plans to convey its beliefs and "values" over the rest of the year, then it is facing a very long election season in the fall -- despite all the political gifts (Libby, Abramoff, DeLay, Iraq) the GOP has been offering up on a silver platter.

Not only couldn't Senate Democrats get enough votes for a filibuster -- they
lost 19 members of their own caucus in voting for cloture! 72-25!?!? You've got to be kidding! Why even go through the motions? And who do they allow to be the face of the filibuster -- Massachusetts' favorite sons, John F. Kerry and Edward F. Kennedy, the faces of elections lost and times past.

Adding self-imposed insult to injury, the Democrats' own machinations caused the confirmation vote on Alito to occur Tuesday morning around 11 a.m. That means that a politically-weakened president (39 percent approval rating in
the latest NBC/Wall St. Journal poll) will be able -- over the course of just a few hours -- to have his Supreme Court nominee confirmed, sworn in and joining the rest of the Supreme Court in the House chambers in time for the State of the Union!

Now there's a strategy!

If that's the gift that a politically-weakened president gets, what does that say about his opposition?

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