Monday, September 04, 2006


West Indian-American Day Parade

First come the politicos!

The day begings with a breakfast which draws a wide cross-section of the political establishment -- particularly those running for (re)-election.

Hillary Clinton, Charles Rangel and others at breakfast.

Mayor Bloomberg helps open the West Indian-American Day (WIAD) festivities (while taking credit for the good weather).

Sen. Clinton thanks the Caribbean-American community for welcoming her back in 2000.

State Sen. David Paterson is the lieutenant governor running mate of Eliot Spitzer.

Nassau County Executive Tom Suozzi, underdog candidate for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination, manages to entertain the WIADC breakfast audience with a rendition of the soca ditty, "Tiny Winey."

Sen. Clinton marches with Charles Hamilton, head of the "Zulu Krewe" veteran Mardi Gras marching band. New Orleans' rebirth is the theme of the'06 WIAD Parade.

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