Thursday, October 05, 2006



I will be appearing TONIGHT at the New York Improv comedy club, 318 W. 53rd (bet. 8th & 9th) at the 9:30 p.m. show! I'll be upstairs in the "Chicago City Limits" comedy room.

Lots of cutting (and shooting)-edge observations about members of our fine political class: Dick Cheney, Jim McGreevey, MARK FOLEY (a new page of material!!) Condoleezza Rice, Arnold Schwarzenegger and more!

If you've seen me on stage before, come see me again -- lotsa new stuff, and way-cool presentation! If you haven't seen me before, well, what the hell are you waiting for?

Please call the club for reservations: (212) 501-6330. Tell 'em you're coming to see me!

Cover: $10, two-drink minimum

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