Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Crossover "Dreams"

Dreamgirls does surprisingly well at the box-office in its debut day in general release, reaching an audience well beyond its "target audience" of "African-Americans, gays and upscale whites." If the movie continues to expand its audience, it may well become the biggest-selling movie ever with a predominantly black cast -- and be a rare all-black movie that also manages to do good box-office overseas too.

Barack Obama should be smiling at this news. Would it mean that he might have even better crossover political box-office appeal than many forecasters might believe? As much as the conventional wisdom is that it is nuts to consider about 2008 so early, and its way too seriously to take Obama-mania seriously...the truth is that the wave is building.

Obama has many obstacles to overcome before he becomes the first black person nominated for president by a major party -- let alone actually win. However, one crossover "dream" might suggest a larger than anticipated readiness in the general public to consider the merits of another.

By the way, two years ago, at the Democratic National Convention, I stood in the CNN skybox watching and listening to Obama's breakout speech. I turned to a well-known political columnist whose identity shall remain "Anonymous" (wink-wink) and said: "You remember the rumors of Bill Clinton having a black baby? Well, there he is."

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