Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Chastity Belts & Shots

If you happen to be in New York on the Lower East Side tonight, my friend Dawn Eden will be debating the virtues of adult chastity this evening. Here's the rundown:
Hear Thrill of the Chaste author Dawn Eden ( ) and I Love You, Let's Meet author Virginia Vitzthum ( debate the question "Is Chastity a Good Idea for Singles?" in the basement of Lolita Bar (266 Broome St. at Allen St., one block south and three west of the Delancey St. subway stop on Manhattan's Lower East Side -- free admission, cash bar) this Wed., Jan. 3 at 8pm, with moderator Michel Evanchik and host Todd Seavey (a.k.a. "Tom" the atheist from Chapter 18 of Thrill of the Chaste). If you know people who find the topics of love, sex, dating, computers, men, women, depravity, or religion interesting, this would be a good debate to bring them to.
"Men, women, depravity...religion!" What's not to love! I'll certainly be there. For those of you wondering about Dawn, she's also the host of her own blog, which can be read right here. And, being the former music critic that she is, she flacks her book in a YouTube clip -- in the style of a certain Bob Dylan tune:

UPDATE: Dawn's hyperlink now added! (Still getting dusting away those holiday cobwebs!)

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