Friday, August 31, 2007


Explaining AGAG's Departure

So, why did Alberto Gonzales stun the world with his abrupt departure a few days ago?

Perhaps, it was because he had been made aware that he was being investigated by the DOJ's own inspector general:
Justice Department investigators are examining the truthfulness of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' testimony to Congress on the firings of federal prosecutors and domestic wiretapping.

The effort, disclosed in a letter released on Thursday, is a sign that political controversy over Gonzales' conduct will continue well beyond his resignation announced this week.

"The current attorney general is leaving, but these questions remain," said Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, a Vermont Democrat who sought
the examination.
Justice Department Inspector General Glenn Fine said in a letter released by Leahy that concerns over the truthfulness of Gonzales' testimony to the committee on July 24 and other times would be covered as part of probes already under way.

"We believe that through those investigations and other ... reviews we will be able to assess most of the issues that you raise," Fine said.

What is most eyebrow-raising is that the IG wasn't even responding to Leahy's inquiry -- so much for this being just a partisan hunt: The office was already probing Gonzales.

Great. The attorney general flies the coop -- one step ahead of the law.


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