Friday, September 14, 2007


Retro Record Moment

Reagan had film acting. Clinton had sax. Family Guy's Glen Quagmire Richard Nixon had the 88-Keys. As the
little girl once said, curiouser and curiouser. Admittedly, this being Nixon, I expected to hear the opening strains of Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D-Minor as his fingers hit the ivories. However, ol' Milhous unveiled an original composition for the Paar audience. Who knew that the most paranoid president in recent history missed out on a supper club circuit career? The White House tapes would have been much more interesting with a musical soundtrack. Imagine Dr. Kissinger planning the bombing of Cambodia as the president plays Mancini's Love Theme from Romeo and Juliet in the distance.

Coming Soon: Jimmy Carter and his Smokin' Banjo!


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