Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Rudy & Hillary's "Secret" Obsession

So, aside from claiming the same state as "home" and being their respective party's national frontrunners, what do Rudolph Giuliani and Hillary Clinton have in common?

Secrecy, baby, secrecy. As in, "Why the heck should I provide information about who I might be beholden to in some way -- or might call into question my judgment?"

As several media outlets have discovered, getting the former mayor
to open up about his Giuliani Partners clients is like pulling teeth.

Meanwhile, Hillary has been, as usual, been cutesy about releasing her records from the
Clinton White House, including many connected to her healthcare reform task force -- despite requests from multiple organizations and at least one lawsuit.

This is ridiculous.

Giuliani and Clinton's rivals in their respective primaries must demand a complete accounting of the relevant records.

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