Tuesday, November 06, 2007


The Spitzer Contagion

My colleague Fred Dicker expands on my view from last week that Gov. Eliot Spitzer's stand on driver's licenses for illegal aliens has become the greatest gift that New York Republicans could have ever asked for.

Meanwhile, Spitzer was on a local Sunday public affairs show where he tried to explain why a driver's license wouldn't mean that it would be easier for an illegal immigrant to buy a firearm. Let's just say that the explanation didn't, uh, scan well. Bet you didn't know that you needed a "federal I.D." to get a gun.

Oh, there's no such thing as a "federal I.D.," you say?

Welcome to Eliot Spitzerland.

You can see the entire interview here. The federal I.D. stuff is in the first couple of minutes. The governor also blithely disses NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly in claiming former NY (and current Los Angeles) Commish Bill Bratton's praise of the license idea.

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