Monday, March 10, 2008


Hooked On A Feeling...

NY Gov. Eliot Spitzer involved in a prostitution ring.

(And, no, even though this is reported by the Times, these are apparently not lobbyists.)

Could be connected with this story on the front page of the New York Sun this morning.

UPDATE: Spitzer expected to resign (3:01 PM). Local WCBS Station is reporting that Spitzer resignation could come as early as this evening (5:15 PM).

UPDATE II: This may turn out to be the most prescient statement in the history of Ragged Thots (from last November):
Hillary's Worst Enemy... not who you'd think.
It's not the easy answer of "herself" or "Bill."
It's certainly not Barack Obama or any of the other Democrats. For that matter, it's not even GOP front-runner Rudy Giuliani or the rest of the Republican field.No, it is starting to look like Sen. Clinton's biggest obstacle -- indeed, the biggest wild card in Democratic fortunes in '08 -- is NY Gov. Eliot Spitzer.

Remove that "culture of corruption" arrow from the Democrats' fall quiver.

UPDATE III: Meet the governor of New York, "Client 9."

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