Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Mets Suck

Not just because the highest payroll in the National League has been playing under .500 for the season.

No, because after letting Manager Willie Randolph dangle in the wind for weeks, they let him fly cross country, beat the AL West-leading Los Angeles Angels (the Mets' third win in four games), have a press conference -- and then fire him, announcing it by press release at 3:15 AM EST.

Shame on Omar Minaya and the entire New York Mets organization

By the way, this has nothing to do with whether Randolph should have been fired after last season's historic collapse or because the team under-achieved this year. This is about the right and wrong way of doing something.

The Mets treated an honorable man shabbily. Once again, shame on the entire organization.

UPDATE: The Daily News' Bill Madden lets the Amazin's have it.

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