Sunday, February 15, 2009


A 'Father' Road To Travel

An old friend, Bill Stephney, looks at the black family crisis from another point of view. Not fathers who won't be part of their kids' lives, but who can't
Mr. Obama’s speech focused on those fathers not “stepping up.” This “deadbeat dad” characterization winds its way effortlessly through political discourse and news coverage. Yes, there are too many fathers who have been unsupportive of their families.  But what about those fathers who, while putting forth efforts to be responsible parents, are discouraged from doing so? What about the other side of the “deadbeat dad” phenomenon: the “denied dad”?  What about the fathers who’ve had to turn themselves into a multi-tasking blend of Dr. King, Thurgood Marshall, Mahatma Ghandhi and Suge Knight just to obtain a meaningful presence in their children’s lives?
Bill has some great examples -- and the public policy choices that have put us in this position. Powerful stuff. 

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