Monday, October 12, 2009


A Nice Weekend

New York Yankees in the ALCS for the first time since 2004.

New York Giants are 5-0 for the first time since 1990 (they went on to win the Super Bowl, the following January). Admittedly, they benefited from their scheduled opponent, the Oakland Raiders, evidently missing the team plane, because they certainly didn't show up Sunday.

Boston Red Sox swept out of the playoffs (admittedly, I had mixed feelings about this: Part of me was rooting for a lengthy Sox-Angels series with the starting roster of both teams ending up on the disabled list by the end. Still, we'll take this). Bonus: Loud-mouth Jon Papelbon blowing two-run lead in the top of the ninth!

New England Patriots lose to Denver -- and Tom Brady loses a fumble that looked not a whole lot different than that infamous "tuck rule" play from a few years back.

Okay, Gang Green: Time to keep the good vibes going tonight!

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