Monday, February 08, 2010


Saints Go Marching In

Well, that's why I'm not a football expert!

Congrats to the New Orleans Saints! SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS!!! Who'd a thunk Peyton Manning would turn into Brett Favre with four minutes left in the fourth quarter?

But game was arguably decided in last minute of the first half and on opening kick-off of the second. Colts had owned the the last two minutes of the first half of games all season. Tonight, after stopping Saints on 4th down, bizarrely, they did three runs and punted the ball away. Saints drove, got a field goal -- and then did the brave onside kick to start the second half.

Even though the Colts went back ahead 17-13, the basic mental momentum changed. Colts never scored again and the Fleur de Lis was on its way.

I don't believe that winning a Super Bowl will magically make New Orleans recover (new mayor Mitch Landrieu will have a greater impact on that), but it's a nice story for a long-suffering franchise -- and a great comeback story for QB Drew Brees too!

Congrats all around!!


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