Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Losing The Left...

Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich was thoroughly unimpressed by President Obama's oil speech last night.  Admittedly, Reich has been arguing for more assertive bureaucratic action for some time.  He believes the US should put BP into temporary receivership.  Even so, the denunciation -- from an ideological ally -- is pretty harsh: 

The man who electrified the nation with his speech at the Democratic National Convention of 2004 put it to sleep Tuesday night. President Obama's address to the nation from the Oval Office was, to be frank, vapid. If you watched with the sound off you might have thought he was giving a lecture on the history of the Interstate Highway System. He didn't have to be angry but he had at least to show passion and conviction. It is, after all, the worst environmental crisis in the history of the nation.
With the sound on, his words hung in the air with all the force of a fundraiser for your local public access TV station. Everything seemed to be in the passive tense. He had authorized deepwater drilling because he "was assured" it was safe. But who assured him? How does he feel about being so brazenly misled? He said he wanted to "understand" why that was mistaken. Understand? He's the President of the United States and it was a major decision. Isn't he determined to find out how his advisors could have been so terribly wrong?

And on it goes.   

Meanwhile, in a clip produced before the speech, The Daily Show compares the campaigning Obama with the governing Obama -- and his presidential predecessor. It's not pretty. Damn funny though.

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