Wednesday, November 03, 2010


D Is For...

(Democratic) Debacle: Biggest GOP wave this century. Only thing preventing takeover of the Senate was three foolish Republican picks in Nevada, Delaware and (arguably) Colorado.  

Dereliction (of basic political common sense):  In the worst economic crisis since the 1930s, the party in power forgot the Clinton '92 campaign mantra, "It's the economy, stupid." Passed an ineffective stimulus -- and then just crossed fingers that things would magically turn around.

Diagnosis: Suicidal health-care. Related to the above, President Obama and Democratic Congress allowed a complicated health care reform to dominate political scene for more than a year. The more a  public already rattled over economy learned about it "reform", more public rebelled. 

Diversity: Despite the "Tea Party is racist" meme that Democrats, NAACP and some parts of the media tried to push, this GOP wave "looked more like America" than its 1994 counterpart. That's a good thing for the party and the country.  

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