Sunday, April 01, 2007


Ragged Thots Endorses...

...Joe Biden as the next President -- of the Run-DMC Words of Wisdom Posse.

...Sam Brownback as the next President -- of Oz.

...Hillary Clinton as the next President -- of "The View".

...Chris Dodd as the next President -- of Cuba.

...John Edwards as the next President -- of the Hair Club For Men.

...Newt Gingrich as the next President -- of

....Rudy Giuliani as the next President -- of the American Association for Marriage & Family Therapy.

...Al Gore as the next President -- of the Tracy Flick Appreciation Society.

...Mike Gravel as the next President -- of, uh, who the hell is Mike Gravel?

...Chuck Hagel as the next Prince President -- of Denmark.

...Mike Huckabee as the next President -- of Applebee's.

...Dennis Kucinich as the next President -- of Lambda Lambda Lambda.

...John McCain as the next President -- of the Baghdad Hilton.

...Barack Obama as the next President -- of the Strom Thurmond Biracial Solidarity Society.

...Condoleezza Rice as the next President -- of the Oakland Raiders.

...Bill Richardson as the next President -- of Aztlan.

...Mitt Romney as the next President -- of The Waffle House.

...Al Sharpton as the next Vice President -- of the Strom Thurmond Biracial Solidarity Society.

...Tom Tancredo as the next President -- the West Coast Domestic Workers Association.

...Fred Thompson as the next President -- of the Screen Actors Guild.

...Tommy Thompson as the next President -- of the Wisconsin Dairy Products Association.

...April 1st as the next federal holiday.

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